**all services/classes offered on both English and Spanish**
LEVEL II DUI/DWAI THERAPYThe penalties for a second DUI may include up to one year in jail, fines up to $1500, suspension of drivers license for one year, community service up to 120 hours, probation up to four years, and the requirements to attend education (slcohol or drug) classes
"Driving with Care"
David J Counseling utilizes the curriculum Driving With Care (DWC). DWC consists of Level I Education, Level II Education, and Level II Therapy for individuals convicted of driving while impaired (DWI). The focus of DWC is to give the client the tools to help them change their behavior such as their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs as they relate to alcohol and drug use/misuse. DWC is a cognitive approach to assist clients in learning their own patterns of use/abuse and how to make fundamental changes to prevent recidivism once they have addressed the underlying behaviors that placed them in classes to begin with. DWC also helps to prevent future involvement in the same patterns of alcohol and drug misuse which led to the impaired driving conviction.
In the groups, clients will learn to take an active part in the exercises, work sheets, and group discussions. The main objective is to have clients relate to and apply the concepts contained in the lessons during each session to their own unique circumstances and situations. The end result would be a cognitive restructuring of the client's views surrounding alcohol and drugs in order to prevent another episode of DWI as well as how to be more responsible towards the community they live in.
David J Counseling utilizes the curriculum Driving With Care (DWC). DWC consists of Level I Education, Level II Education, and Level II Therapy for individuals convicted of driving while impaired (DWI). The focus of DWC is to give the client the tools to help them change their behavior such as their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs as they relate to alcohol and drug use/misuse. DWC is a cognitive approach to assist clients in learning their own patterns of use/abuse and how to make fundamental changes to prevent recidivism once they have addressed the underlying behaviors that placed them in classes to begin with. DWC also helps to prevent future involvement in the same patterns of alcohol and drug misuse which led to the impaired driving conviction.
In the groups, clients will learn to take an active part in the exercises, work sheets, and group discussions. The main objective is to have clients relate to and apply the concepts contained in the lessons during each session to their own unique circumstances and situations. The end result would be a cognitive restructuring of the client's views surrounding alcohol and drugs in order to prevent another episode of DWI as well as how to be more responsible towards the community they live in.
We're Here for You 24/7If you have been arrested for a DWAI or DUI or a substance related charge, we will support you through the process. We will treat you with respect and no judgement. It all starts here in a safe and comfortable environment. We are here for folks to come and reclaim for their future and take control of whatever is getting in the way.